Saturday 16 July 2011

PAC MAN ipod case 

Okay, so I decided to make a pac man ipod case/snuggle thing. I was extremely bored, along the way of the making, I took photos, and I thought i'd let you know how I made it..
I used 3 different coloured felt materials. yellow, white and black. you don't need a lot of material to make this, just a fair amount, larger than your i-pod. 

So, firstly, i cut out 2 10cm long strip with 5cm wide black felt. i made it just a little larger than the i-pod, because with the stitching it goes smaller.(i learnt this the hard way, after a few tries.)

Then, I cut out a small 3cm circle from yellow felt. I then cut out a triangle, making it into a pacman. after, I cut out small white circles from the felt.I after doing this, i stitched them onto one side of the black strip, finally I stitched the two strips together, leaving the top an hole for it to go into.

hope you enjoyed reading. aha, i know its very boring and gay. just bored thats all. no horrible comments please!

1 comment:

  1. thats awsome{: i would deffinatley buy it[:

    love yah fly .x
